K-9 Connetion dog training and day care facility
Home of the
Little dogs to big dogs were there to entertain you and suprise you with their talent. You will see dogs go through the agility course in lighting speed, indivdual dog tricks that will make you wounder "how did they do that", dancing dogs and many more surprises. It is a show that will make you laugh and warm your heart.
The All American dog team performs at fairs and festivals earning money to porvide supplies and treats for war dogs overseas.
You can view us on you tube.
k-9connection all American dog team
we hope you join us september 8-10
at the fair grounds in Charlotte.
For charlotte frontier days
show times
Friday 6:00
Saturday Kids vs dogs games at 1:30
Saturday Shows 3:00 and 5:00
Sunday 1:00 and 3:00
Hope to see you there!